Full Set - Includes Suessian Cat Hat, Suessian Cat Piano, Jojo’s Tub, Seussian Stick Fish Set (6), Whoville Doorway, Horton’s Tree, Galazies Backdrop, Circus McGurkus Train (2 pieces)
The Cat’s Hat
The Cat’s Hat - Just like the Cat In the Hat book! This piece measures 63” around the base and 63” in height. It is designed to support the weight of an actor on its top and is mounted on felt pads for stability and easy slide.
Seussian Piano
Seussian Piano- This reversible piece has great stage presence with its bright colors and cartoon artwork. It measures 48” W x 65” H x 38” depth and is on casters for easy stage entry and exit.
Jojo’s Tub
Jojo’s Tub- This is a great piece with bright colors designed for the actor to be kneeled behind the tub to give the appearance of being in it. It measures 69”W x 58”H x 24”D. The façade is mounted on a rolling platform for easy stage movement.
Whoville Doorway
Whoville Doorway- The perfect entrance into Whoville! Incudes rolling platform steps and cartoon landscape backdrop. It measures 77”W x 111”H x 37”D.
Horton’s Tree
Horton’s Tree- Horton is sitting pretty on his perch atop this cool Seussian tree. This piece includes a built in hidden ladder with a top seat, and nest. It measures 48”W x 75”H x 25”D.
Galazies backdrop
Galazies backdrop- This cool brightly colored backdrop flat can serve as an accent to whatever backdrop you may be using. It measures 48”W x 96”H x 6”D.
Circus McGurkus Train
Circus McGurkus Train- These pieces look great with rope centers and are perfect for 4 students each to stand behind and hold as they move across the stage