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A. Newsies Main Set V1


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SKU: NEW-01 Category:


Overall main fixed set piece is 20’ overall length and includes the center gate and front balcony section, 2 each walkthrough sections at left and right of center gates, “the world” double action center gates, 2 large operable industrial doors at rear center, 2 each rolling staircases (measuring approx. 6’width x 9’ depth x 11’ height and capable of rolling with multiple actors on board), 2 each backdrop walls behind staircases (provides a backdrop when stairs are rolled away), and a permanently affixed hidden rear stairway. This is a very safe and sturdy structure with great accents, such as metal railings, 2 each metal column trusses, and beautiful faux brick and worn metal finishes, that will give your show the Broadway presentation that it deserves!