Newsies - Mainstage Version 1
MainStage V1
Overall main fixed set piece is 20’ overall length and includes the center gate and front balcony section, 2 each walkthrough sections at left and right of center gates, “the world” double action center gates, 2 large operable industrial doors at rear center, 2 each rolling staircases (measuring approx. 6’width x 9’ depth x 11’ height and capable of rolling with multiple actors on board), 2 each backdrop walls behind staircases (provides a backdrop when stairs are rolled away), and a permanently affixed hidden rear stairway. This is a very safe and sturdy structure with great accents, such as metal railings, 2 each metal column trusses, and beautiful faux brick and worn metal finishes, that will give your show the Broadway presentation that it deserves!
These two stairways are a mirror image of the other. They are fully mobile, steady and strong for multiple dancers. These pieces can be rented separately or together.
Back Stairs
Permanently affixed hidden rear stairway up to balcony
Newsies - Mainstage Version 2
MainStage V2
Newsies 2 Set- A great set for one of the hottest shows out. The setting is the rear of the building loading dock area for the “World” Newspaper Company. The Façade offers many levels for great blocking and choreography. At the left and right are 2 each loading dock platforms measuring approximately 4’ x 7’ each and are accessed by a front and a backstage stairway for additional stairway levels and backstage access. The realistic looking doors atop the dock platforms are for aesthetics and do not operate. At the lower center area are the operable “World” Gates that swing bi-directional. At the rear of the center area are 2 each large operable double doors for easy set entry/exit. A large 6’ depth x 8’ length Center platform is atop these gates and doors and is easily accessible by 2 wood ladders at the left and right of the platform. The entire set measures 30’ in width and 12’ in height and 6’4” in depth. The finishes provide the perfect “Newsies” setting.
Newsies 2 At the left and right are 2 each loading dock platforms measuring approximately 4’ x 7’ each and are accessed by a front and a backstage stairway for additional stairway levels and backstage access. The realistic looking doors atop the dock platforms are for aesthetics and do not operate.
Newsies Accessories
Proscenium Left
Platform structures designed to be placed at the front corners of the stage in front of the proscenium. There are 2 each (left and right) that are mirror images of each other. Structure at stage left includes “Trolley Strike” chalkboard if desired. Each platform includes access steps.
Proscenium Right
Platform structures designed to be placed at the front corners of the stage in front of the proscenium. There are 2 each (left and right) that are mirror images of each other. Structure at stage left includes “Trolley Strike” chalkboard if desired. Each platform includes access steps.
Printing Press
Operable printing press is fully mobile. All wheels spin and printing press arm moves.
Theatre Drapes
Metta Larkin’s Theatre Drapes. 3 piece red curtain unit that can be easily draped over the front balcony rail to be used to set the scene for her performances.
News Stand
Fully mobile newsstand fixture which holds faux newspapers. (not included) while being sold to the newsies
Tables and Benches
Table and Bench sets, light and easy to carry on and off stage with two people per set, yet sturdy and strong enough to dance on top of. They are stained to look old, vintage and period correct.
Katherine’s desk
Rolling desk and antique typewriter can be sued for Katherine’s story creation scene. Desk rolls easily for rolling actors easily on and off stage.
Pulitzer’s desk
Desk and chair are lightweight for easy set change, yet strong enough to dance on top of. Desk is stained with gold leaf trimmings as shown. Set includes red leather executive chair.
Crutchie’s Bunkbed
Metal bunkbeds used for Crutchie, during incarceration scene. Lightweight and easily carried on and off stage. Foam pods included
Landscape Canvas
Jack Kelly’s large canvas. Two of these canvases can be attached into a rolling unit with casters. If desired, can be used as a backdrop for Metta Larkin’s Stage.
Jack Kelly’s large canvas symbolizing Pulitzer stepping on Newsies
Antique camera
Fully mobile prop designed to mimic an antique camera of the time period and is very light and easy to move on and off stage. Includes black vail.
Newspaper Stacks
Faux newspaper stacks made from foam and represent stacks of newspapers for various scenes. Very lightweight and easily moved by actors on stage. 6 stacks available.